For centuries, many people have searched
for the "Fountain of Youth", wanting that perfect
complexion at any cost....
In our journey through everyday life we are bombarded with the pressure of looking young. The pressure to be able to compete
( physically ) is everywhere. I'm sure many of you have experienced, as have I through my career, the pressure of not getting a job and or a promotion, which went to another, simply because they had the look of youth.
It is a sad fact of life that many of us are passed over and or ignored, not because we are incompetent, but simply because we are not considered attractive enough, or youthful looking enough.
I spent many hours over the years researching all kinds of books, magazines, advertisements, products, and yes, surgical remedies too. It's easy to become confused by all of the claims to make you look younger, few of us can afford to spend thousands on cosmetic surgery.
Usually, all we need to do is look no further than our own abilities and utilize little tricks of the trade (things I have learned).
There is an abundance of natural skin rejuvenating remedies, and, with a little help and guidance ( plus patience ) you can be very satisfied with the results you too can obtain.
I am putting together a (soon to be released) information packet of some of my own secrets for a more youthful appearance, titled;
" Beauty,
Way "
I believe anyone can maximize their own personal beauty!
Don't you think it's your turn?

Beauty begins….......from
my mom and other wise women I have met in my travels have said.
Sounds easy enough, Or is
Essence is a word I have always liked.
It’s a nice word, and it is the proud owner of an even nicer
(fundamental .nature or quality),
the most basic, significant, and indispensable element,
attribute, quality, property, or aspect of a thing.
Do you possess it? .Who do you know, that has Essence?
More importantly,
What is Their Essence?
All entities have it. The Planet
all Animals,
Life have it.
Humans have
it too!
Di showed a deep abiding
as she exposed her soul, revealing
her unselfish and brave side
which brought to light, issues,
dealing with aids, land mines, etc.
( what a Beautiful
Essence )

Do we have to be perfect in order to have
Essence, I think not.
Like Beauty, it is in the eyes of the beholder. .
Beauty is as Beauty
Can we cultivate Essence.
Why not?
The question should be;
What side of
Essence, do you wish to